I'm guessing this is required for iTunes to see it. iTunes still doesn't detect it.After reading a few support articles I noticed that the Apple Mobile Device Service isn't showing in Windows Services. After the iTunes app is installed, Windows detects the iPod and opens it as a mass storage device (same under Device Manager).I uninstalled and reinstalled that 'Mass Storage' driver under Universal Serial Bus controllers and now I see the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver. I had no issue with the previous manually installed iTunes (from Apple downloads). The software runs fine except that my iPod isn't detecting in iTunes. Therefore, it is quite intriguing for us to cover the further developments and inventions by tech giants like Microsoft, Apple, and Google.AMDS Not Present | Cannot Connect iPod | Windows 10 Hello,I recently installed the latest version of iTunes from the Windows App Store. The introduction of the leader in mixed reality technology known as Microsoft Hololens is one of the examples set by Microsoft. Microsoft has shown the keen interest in VR and MR technologies, and it has made several developments in such fields. In addition, Fans can try this incredible 5 minutes Halo recruit experience from Microsoft stores and download for free from the Windows Store on 17th October. Therefore, if you don’t have Windows MR Headsets, get it soon because Halo recruit can’t be experienced without Windows headsets. Head of 343 Industries, Bonnie Ross shared a short description about Halo Recruit, he said this upcoming launch is just a step in virtual reality gaming but it’s not a game, he also revealed that you may explore the iconic characters in mixed reality. The preview of SteamVR support will be made available to consumers by the end of this year. Microsoft has allowed developers to access the SteamVR titles which enables them to test their games with Microsoft’s series of headsets. Microsoft has already made a move to enter the gaming world in Virtual Reality which can be presumed by its previously made announcement in which it said to support SteamVR Titles on its windows mixed reality headsets. In this upcoming launch, Microsoft is not going to offer the full game of Halo but one can get the good experience of Halo in Virtual Reality.

The VR experience created by 343 industries looks somewhat similar to the lightsaber VR experience provided by HTC Vive last year.

Halo Recruit is designed to create the look and feel of VR characters in famous games which can be downloaded for free on 17th October. Microsoft with 343 industries is ready to launch the Halo VR Experience for Windows Mixed Reality Headsets on 17th October.